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On Demand
Think You Know How to Spot Catatonia? Let’s Talk About That
Location: WK49
Neurocognitive Disorders, Delirium and Neuropsychiatry
CE: 1.5
On Demand
2021 Neuropsychiatry Updates
Location: WK02
Neurocognitive Disorders, Delirium and Neuropsychiatry
CE: 1.5
On Demand
Beyond Broca’s and the MOCA: Teaching Neuropsychiatry Across the C-L Spectrum of Clinical Care
Location: WK09
Neurocognitive Disorders, Delirium and Neuropsychiatry
CE: 1.5
On Demand
Critical Care for Non-intensivists: Making a Case for the Value of Psychiatry in the Intensive Care Unit
Location: WK15
Neurocognitive Disorders, Delirium and Neuropsychiatry
CE: 1.5
On Demand
ECT for C-L Psychiatrists: Approaches to Patient Selection, Technique, and Treatment Adaptations Necessitated by the COVID-19 Pandemic
Location: WK20
Neurocognitive Disorders, Delirium and Neuropsychiatry
CE: 1.5
On Demand
Innovations in C-L Psychiatry Care for Veterans with PTSD and TBI
Location: WK32
Neurocognitive Disorders, Delirium and Neuropsychiatry
CE: 1.5
On Demand
Lay off the Keppra? An Evidence-based and Integrated Update on Neuropsychiatric Effects of Anti-epileptic Drugs
Location: WK34
Neurocognitive Disorders, Delirium and Neuropsychiatry
CE: 1.5
On Demand
ECT for C-L Psychiatrists: An Effective Intervention That Might Save a Life
Location: SKILLS4
Neurocognitive Disorders, Delirium and Neuropsychiatry
CE: 2
Wednesday, Nov 10th
10:00 AM – 12:00 PM
US Eastern Time
SKILLS COURSE LIVE DISCUSSION: ECT for C-L Psychiatrists: An Effective Intervention That Might Save a Life
Neurocognitive Disorders, Delirium and Neuropsychiatry
CE: 2
Friday, Nov 12th
10:15 AM – 11:45 AM
US Eastern Time
Plenary 6: Rethinking and Rehashing Delirium
Location: PLEN6
Neurocognitive Disorders, Delirium and Neuropsychiatry
CE: 1.5
Friday, Nov 12th
12:15 PM – 1:15 PM
US Eastern Time
Invited Presidential Lecture: Critical Care Psychiatry: Unique Challenges in the Management of Sleep, Pain & Delirium During ECMO Treatment
Neurocognitive Disorders, Delirium and Neuropsychiatry
CE: 0.75
Friday, Nov 12th
2:45 PM – 3:45 PM
US Eastern Time
BRIEF ORAL PAPERS: Delirium/Agitation
Location: BOP05
Neurocognitive Disorders, Delirium and Neuropsychiatry
CE: 1
Friday, Nov 12th
2:45 PM – 3:45 PM
US Eastern Time
WEBB FELLOW: Portable Three-dimensional Functional Neuroimaging of Delirium Using Diffuse Optical Tomography
Location: BOP05
Neurocognitive Disorders, Delirium and Neuropsychiatry
Friday, Nov 12th
2:45 PM – 3:45 PM
US Eastern Time
Glutamate Antagonists in Catatonia Due to Anti-NMDA Receptor Encephalitis
Location: BOP05
Neurocognitive Disorders, Delirium and Neuropsychiatry
Friday, Nov 12th
2:45 PM – 3:45 PM
US Eastern Time
Use of Propofol and Dexmedetomidine in Neuro Critical Care: Impact on Delirium Rate and Length of Intubation
Location: BOP05
Neurocognitive Disorders, Delirium and Neuropsychiatry
Friday, Nov 12th
2:45 PM – 3:45 PM
US Eastern Time
A Bispectral EEG Device and Standard Deviation Filtering Can Capture Delirium Severity and Predict Mortality
Location: BOP05
Neurocognitive Disorders, Delirium and Neuropsychiatry