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On Demand
What You Don’t Know Can Kill You: Complementary/Alternative Integrative Medicine for C-L Psychiatrists
Location: WK53
Psychopharmacology and Toxicology
CE: 1.5
On Demand
Current Controversies in Agitation Management in the Emergency Department
Location: WK16
Psychopharmacology and Toxicology
CE: 1.5
Friday, Nov 12th
2:45 PM – 3:45 PM
US Eastern Time
Valproic Acid in the Management of Delirious, Agitated, Critically Ill Toxicology Patients
Location: BOP05
Psychopharmacology and Toxicology
Friday, Nov 12th
4:00 PM – 5:00 PM
US Eastern Time
WEBB FELLOW: Respiratory Depression Risk with Co-administered Parenteral Olanzapine and Benzodiazepines: A Retrospective Study
Location: BOP10
Psychopharmacology and Toxicology