Medical Director, Trauma Recovery Center, HS Clinical Professor, UCSF
University of California, San Francisco
SF, California, United States
Mary Burke is the medical director at the Trauma Recovery Center in San Francisco, which provides gratis, evidence based care addressing the needs of survivors of violence including refugees and victims of crime, as well as those recovering from TBI. She is part of the UCSF Department of Psychiatry Climate Change Task Force. She provides psychiatric consultation to the Family and Community Medicine and Primary Care Clinics at San Francisco General Hospital. Her prior experiences include outpatient psychotherapy and psychiatric treatment, residential and day treatment programs for youth, inpatient CL psychiatry, (adults and children), and developing collaborative care models in family medicine and women's perinatal care. She is part of the ACLP Neuropsychiatry and Global Health SIG's.
I do not have any relevant financial / non-financial relationships with any proprietary interests.