Associate Professor Emeritus of Psychiatry and Pediatrics
University of New Mexico School of Medicine
Cedar Crest, New Mexico, United States
Dr. Carol Larroque is emeritus faculty at the University of New Mexico School of Medicine where she was former chief of the Pediatric Consultation Liaison Service for 16 years. She received board certification in pediatrics, general psychiatry and child and adolescent psychiatry. Dr. Larroque has worked with many high risk and vulnerable populations including with the Native American people of the Gila River Indian Reservation ( Arizona) where she lived while in the Indian Health Service. She is the recipient of a Fulbright Teaching/Research Scholar Grant to Uganda (2009-2010). Dr. Larroque has a strong interest in Global Mental Health and is a member of the Global Mental Health/International Relations Committee of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and ACLP"s Global Mental Health SIG.
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