Assistant Professor
UT Southwestern Medical Center
Dallas, Texas, United States
Abhisek "Chandan" Khandai is an Assistant Professor of Psychiatry at UT Southwestern Medical Center, and Consultation-Liaison (C-L) Psychiatrist at Parkland Hospital in Dallas. He completed his undergraduate at Washington University in St. Louis, then completed medical school and Master's degree in Neuroscience at University of Pittsburgh. After residency at Northwestern in Chicago, he did his C-L fellowship at University of Washington in Seattle. He then moved back to Chicago and was a C-L and Med/Psych attending at University of Illinois at Chicago, before moving in 2021 to Dallas. His academic and clinical interests include diversity equity and inclusion (DEI) and social justice, integrated and collaborative care, medical education, and social media. He serves as a member on the APA Council for C-L Psychiatry, the APA Annual Meeting Scientific Programming Committee, and co-chair of the ACLP Diversity Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Subcommittee. Outside of work, he loves cooking (stove not oven), comic books, and travel.
I do not have any relevant financial / non-financial relationships with any proprietary interests.