Professor of Psychiatry, Emeritus
Stony Brook University School of Medicine
Longboat Key, Florida, United States
Steven Cole, MD, MA (Sociology) is Professor of Psychiatry, Emeritus at Stony Brook University School of Medicine, and Clinical Professor of Scientific Education at Hofstra Northwell School of Medicine. Trained at Harvard, Duke University, and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Dr. Cole is Board Certified in Adult Psychiatry and has attained Added Qualifications in both Geriatric Psychiatry and Consultation Liaison Psychiatry (Psychiatry in the Medically Ill). He has received grants and contracts from the Jonathan D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, and many others, most related to depression in primary care or in the medically ill. Dr. Cole has achieved wide recognition as an expert on medical communication. He published a premier textbook on the medical interview, first published in 1990, with its fourth edition now in press, entitled, The Medical Interview: The Three Function Approach to Relationship Centered Care, Elsevier 2022. Dr. Cole is a member of MINT, (Motivational Interviewing Network of Trainers) and with contributions from three MINT colleagues, developed Brief Action Planning (BAP), a highly structured, pragmatic, and versatile Motivation Interviewing (MI) consistent tool designed to help people change and to support self management for health and well being ( ). He has published more than 50 peer-reviewed journal articles, 35 book chapters, and 150 scholarly posters and presentations nationally and internationally.
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Wednesday, November 10, 2021
10:00 AM – 12:00 PM US Eastern Time