Assistant Clinical Professor
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Kathryn is an Assistant Clinical Professor and Clinical Education Coordinator at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. She is also a certified ADA specialist and works with UNC's Disability Services office to help provide accommodations and adaptations for students on campus. In addition, Kathryn loves to advocate for and educate others about the ADA law, both within her community and the OT profession. As a person who uses a wheelchair, she has a passion for ensuring that other people with disabilities have access to the same meaningful activities as everyone else! Kathryn graduated from the University of North Carolina with a degree in psychology in 2004 where she was a memember of the women's varsity rowing team, and then completed her master’s degree and clinical doctoral degree in Occupational Therapy from the University of Southern California in Los Angeles, CA. Over the course of her career, she has travelled on over 10 different trips to provide therapy for people with disabilities in Ghana, Thailand, Peru, Mexico, and China. Her favorite occupations include: rooting for her UNC Tar Heels and USC Trojans, traveling, spending time with friends and family, playing and watching sports, cooking, reading, and engaging in a competitive game of musical chairs.
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Friday, November 12, 2021
12:15 PM – 1:15 PM US Eastern Time