Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center
Boston, Massachusetts, United States
Dr. Patell graduated hematology/oncology fellowship at the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical center, Boston in June 2020 and subsequently joined the department as an instructor in hematology-oncology. His long-term goal is to become an independent, externally funded physician scientist. He is I interested in health care communication with patients with serious illnesses where decision- making can be particularly complex and often emotional. As a trainee he worked to better deliver such skills training to house-staff in a succinct manner and evaluated the utility of a novel training workshop for house staff rotating on the inpatient oncology service, which lead to a poster presentations at the national general internal medicine meeting, a workshop at the international conferences and lead author publications. Intrigued by the rapidly changing treatment options for patients with advanced malignancies as well as how these complicated options are offered to patients, he recently completed a project assessing gaps in patients’ perceptions of cancer directed palliative treatment compared to oncologists that was presented at the ASCO Supportive Care in 2019, and was awarded an ASCO Merit Award, leading to a lead author paper. He is currently driving a medical education project directed at medical cannabis education in oncology trainees.
I do not have any relevant financial / non-financial relationships with any proprietary interests.