UMC Utrecht
Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands
Arjen Slooter studied Medicine at the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam (1994) and worked subsequently as a resident in Neurology in Sint Lucas Hospital, Amsterdam (1994). He was research fellow in Neuro-Epidemiology at the G.H. Sergievsky Center, Columbia University, New York (1996) and received a PhD in Epidemiology from Erasmus University, Rotterdam (1998), on a thesis on dementia. During his residency in Neurology in the UMC Utrecht (1999-2004), he became enthusiastic for Neurocritical Care. After a fellowship in Intensive Care Medicine (AMC Amsterdam, 2004-2006), he rejoined the UMC Utrecht where he is currently working as consultant neurologist-intensivist at the Department of Intensive Care Medicine. In 2016, he was appointed as Professor in Intensive Care Neuropsychiatry at Utrecht University, with an honorary appointment at UZ Brussel and Vrije Universiteit Brussels. Dr Slooter has been chair of the latest delirium guidelines committee of the (American) Society of Critical Care Medicine (SCCM). In addition, he is President of the European Delirium Association and initiator and chair of an international consortium to update nomenclature on delirium and acute encephalopathy that was endorsed by numerous medical societies. Using various methods and approaches, he has investigated all aspects of delirium, including its phenomenology and brain network characteristics, detection and monitoring, risk factors, prognosis, prevention and treatment.
Prolira (Grant/Research Support)
Plenary 6: Rethinking and Rehashing Delirium
Friday, November 12, 2021
10:15 AM – 11:45 AM US Eastern Time