New York University School of Medicine
Rahway, New Jersey, United States
Dr. Lin received a Ph.D. in mathematics from the University at Albany, State University of New York. Dr. Lin is currently employed as a biostatistician at New York University School of Medicine. Additionally, Dr. Lin intends to continue his research on developing statistical and mathematical models using machine learning and advanced statistical techniques in order to more accurately and expediently identify risk factors for disease, especially in vulnerable populations. Specifically, he is using biomarkers and mathematically discovered subtypes for improved identification of biological correlates of the disease, and to diagnose health conditions, and assess mental health. Dr. Lin’s research related to investigation into modern mathematical and statistical approaches in combination with machine learning for identifying risk factors of disease, particularly in vulnerable individuals is of great substantial merit and national importance.
I do not have any relevant financial / non-financial relationships with any proprietary interests.
Friday, November 12, 2021
4:00 PM – 5:00 PM US Eastern Time