Postdoctoral Fellow
University of PIttsburgh
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States
Manivel Rengasamy, MD is currently a postdoctoral scholar in the T32 Child and Adolescent Research Training Program and serves as a staff psychiatrist for the Ambulatory Practice in the Services for Teens at Risk (STAR/CO-STAR) programs at UPMC Western Psychiatric Hospital. He joined the PRP in 2015. His research centers around the role of cytokines in depression, with an ongoing research study supported by AACAP’s Pilot Research Award. His research was awarded at the national level from the Academy of Psychosomatic Medicine. He also initiated a quality improvement project at UPMC Western Psychiatric Hospital involving brief telephone interventions to patients after discharge from inpatient adolescent psychiatric unit.
I do not have any relevant financial / non-financial relationships with any proprietary interests.
Friday, November 12, 2021
4:00 PM – 5:00 PM US Eastern Time