Chief of Psychiatric Services
University of Florida (UF) Shands Health Hospital
Gainesville, Florida, United States
Dr. Fleisch is the chief of psychiatric services at the University of Florida (UF) Shands Health Hospital and chief of health equity in the Department of Psychiatry at the UF College of Medicine. She provides clinical care and leadership in the general hospital through the Psychiatry C-L service in the emergency room, and through a psychiatry-medicine unit. She also participates in the educational mission of UF as a teacher and mentor for medical students and residents. From 2013-2020, Dr. Fleisch served as founding medical director of the Vanderbilt University Medical Center (VUMC) Homeless Health Services and Street Psychiatry Programs. Her team provided psychiatric consultation services to people experiencing homelessness both in the hospital and on the streets of Nashville. While at VUMC, Dr. Fleisch also served as director of the C-L Fellowship Program.
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Thursday, November 11, 2021
4:00 PM – 5:00 PM US Eastern Time