Director of Operations
UPMC Presbyterian and Montefiore Hospitals
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States
Alex Brooks, MS, MBA is currently the Director of Operations for Surgical Services at UPMC Presbyterian and UPMC Montefiore hospitals. In this role, Alex is primarily responsible for working with the Sterile Processing Department, Anesthesia Tech’s, the billing audit department, as well as leading other projects related to efficiency and process improvement for surgical services at the two hospitals and their 47 operating rooms. Prior to this role, Alex served as the Director of Operations and Special Projects at UPMC Western Psychiatric Hospital, the region’s leading behavioral health hospital and was principally focused on expanding access to earlier behavioral health interventions through the growth of UPMC's integrated behavioral health network. Alex is a 2020 graduate of UPMC Administrative Fellowship program and now serves as one of the co-directors of the program as well as the program director for the UPMC Administrative Summer Residency. Alex holds bachelor’s degrees in finance and business law from University of Maryland and master’s degrees in entrepreneurship & design and business administration from University of Delaware. Alex also currently serves as the treasurer and vice president of the Pittsburgh chapter of the National Association of Health Services Executives.
I do not have any relevant financial / non-financial relationships with any proprietary interests.
Thursday, November 11, 2021
4:00 PM – 5:00 PM US Eastern Time