NYU School of Medicine
Great Neck, New York, United States
Hindi Mermelstein, MD, FAPA, FACLP, is a board-certified physician with additional qualifications in both geriatric and consultation-liaison psychiatry. Over the course of her career she has gleaned extensive experience in clinical, administrative, regulatory and medical-legal issues in both outpatient and inpatient settings as well as consulting to and collaborating with medical and non-medical entities. She has been a long-time member of the Academy of Consultation Liaison Psychiatry where she has been involved in a number of activities. She currently serves as the Chair of the Community Psychiatry CL SIG (Special Interest Group) as well as the Chair of the Standards and Ethics Subcommittee. Her clinical and academic interests in Women's Health in the Geriatric Population has led to further exploration of the post menapausal period which can affect women for almost half there lifespan as well access to care in those most at risk . This many includes physical limitation and the role of telemedicine and potential societal limitation for those most vulnerable such as those who have transitioned.
I do not have any relevant financial / non-financial relationships with any proprietary interests.